Intrauterine insemination

Intrauterine insemination

Artificial insemination is a low-complexity assisted reproduction procedure that consists of placing the prepared semen sample in the uterus. 

The treatment can be carried out with the woman's natural cycle or to increase her chances of pregnancy, it is carried out in a cycle of controlled ovarian stimulation with a maximum growth of 2 or 3 follicles. For insemination, a cannula containing the capacitated semen sample is inserted into the woman's cervix. This process is painless and only requires a rest of approximately 30 minutes.


Prior to treatment, we assess the female reproductive system through transvaginal ultrasound and confirm the patency of the tubes through hysterosalpingography, before starting artificial insemination.

Age is a factor that must be taken into account, since women over 37 years of age are less likely to fertilize than those who are younger.

  • In the case of men, the quality of the semen is very important and the sample must be previously prepared. An analysis is carried out to determine your motile sperm count (REM), which number has to exceed 5 million.
  • Ovarian Reserve
  • uterus, ovaries
  • Quantity, quality and mobility of semen
  • Fallopian tubes (hysterosalpingography)
  • If all of the above is fine, after laboratory tests, a menstrual period is started.

Artificial insemination (AI) can be homologous when the sperm come from a trained sample of the husband or heterologous in which he resorts to our sperm bank to perform insemination with donor sperm or IAD.

If pregnancy is not achieved after three cycles, it is advisable to proceed to In Vitro Fertilization (IVF).

Artificial Insemination (AI) When is it recommended?

  1. male factor: This treatment is ideal for those cases where the motile sperm count is less than 5 million. Also in cases where there is an inability to deposit semen inside the vagina such as premature ejaculation, vaginismus, psychogenic impotence, hypospadias or retrograde ejaculation.
  2. female factor: Dysfunctions such as, for example, anatomical alterations of the uterus, cervical insufficiency, endometritis or polycystic ovary syndrome, a IA. Even in cases of mild endometriosis, it is advisable to start with AI cycles. Infertility of unknown origin is included within the indications for this treatment.

How is artificial insemination performed?

1- Controlled Ovarian Stimulation: The development of one or several follicles is sought through hormonal stimulation and by performing serial ultrasounds the size of the follicles is controlled to proceed with the administration of another hormone that triggers ovulation. 2- Semen training: Instructions regarding insemination and obtaining the seminal sample will be given to them during consultation. The day of the insemination, a few hours before, the male must leave the sample in our laboratory in order to be trained, that is, to obtain the mobile spermatozoa in an adequate concentration and eliminate the other elements that we do not want to inseminate. 3- Insemination Technique: As we have already mentioned, there are no long-standing records in our country, in this sense, relying on the extensive experience of our Medical Director, we find that: Pregnancy rates will depend largely on the age of the patient at the time of procedure, the ideal is to perform it in patients up to 37, then the rates decrease years at which the rates are poor. THE RATE PER CYCLE IS 20-30% Results Pregnancy rates will largely depend on the age of the patient at the time of the procedure. The ideal is to perform it in patients up to 37 years of age, after this age, the rates begin to decrease, at which point the rates are poor after the first attempt, being cumulative after several attempts and obtaining the desired result. The pregnancy rate in a first cycle is (20%-30%) The pregnancy rate with donor sperm (35%-40%) (IAD) When is it recommended? This technique is indicated in those men who do not produce sperm, either of secretory origin or due to genetic diseases or in women without a male partner. Stages of the IAD Obtaining the semen sample: Our clinic has its own sperm donor bank that meets all the certifications required by current legislation. After a rigorous selection process that includes detailed clinical history, personal and family history of interest, clinical protocol tests and psychological study and semen analysis that guarantees an excellent sample. Donors of legal age who are selected sign a consent for the donation and are kept in our bank. Donor selection: This will be done by our team (attending physician and biologists), who will choose the best donor for you after evaluating your case (phenotypic evaluation, blood group, among others). Insemination Technique: As we have already mentioned, there are no long-standing records in our country, in this sense, relying on the extensive experience of our Medical Director, we find that: Pregnancy rates will depend largely on the age of the patient at the time If the procedure is performed, the ideal is to perform it in patients up to 37, after which the rates decrease for years at which time the rates are poor. THE RATE PER CYCLE IS 20-30%


Artificial insemination

Intrauterine insemination $1000

Ovarian Rejuvenation $1950

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