Ovarian Rejuvenation

When we talk about assisted reproduction, we must take into account that some women cannot conceive and/or suffer from symptoms associated with hormonal deficiency. In order to restore fertility and stimulate natural hormone production in these women, there is ovarian rejuvenation. This is a procedure that is based on Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections.

What is Ovarian Rejuvenation?

Ovarian rejuvenation is a Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy, which is also used in specialties such as sports medicine, orthopedics and dermatology. The PRP is prepared from the patient's own blood cells. Platelets release substances known as Growth Factors upon injury, and these contribute to the body's own healing process. 

PRP is injected into the ovaries to stimulate the growth of new cells to restore fertility and the production of ovarian hormones. In turn, this would increase the quality of the eggs. Also, it has been seen that stem cells, which are found in the ovaries, can transform into new eggs and hormone-producing cells thanks to the injection of the patient's PRP into the ovaries.

Who can undergo an Ovarian Rejuvenation?

We must review the patient's reproductive and endocrine history to determine if a patient might be a candidate for ovarian rejuvenation.

Although this analysis by the specialist is necessary to conclude whether or not a patient is a good candidate, many women who experience any of the following statements may benefit from Ovarian Rejuvenation:

  • Desire to conceive without the use of egg donors
  • Desire to naturally restore your hormonal balance and sexual desire
  • Infertility associated with poor egg supply
  • Failed attempts at in vitro fertilization (IVF) for producing genetically abnormal or low-quality embryos
  • Premature ovarian failure
  • Primary ovarian insufficiency
  • Menopausal symptoms due to cancer treatment
  • hormone deficiency
  • Thyroid problems from Hashimoto's disease


during the procedure

The first thing that will happen is that the specialist Azul Fertility Experts takes a blood sample from the patient, places it in a centrifuge in order to separate the platelets and start preparing the PRP injection.

Once the injection is ready, the patient will be sedated with the help of an anesthesia specialist. Then, the specialist doctor is guided by ultrasound to inject the PROP into the ovaries. It is a process very similar to egg retrieval in in vitro fertilization (IVF). 

After the procedure

After the injection, the patient must wait an hour before going home. Some women feel mild discomfort in the lower abdomen or some pressure on the ovaries immediately after the injection. These symptoms can be resolved with oral pain relievers.

Also, it is normal if the patient has a little bleeding from the vagina at the sites of the needle punctures. Although not very common, internal bleeding or an infection at the injection site can also occur. 


Generally, patients will be able to see positive results within 2 to 24 weeks after ovarian rejuvenation treatment. It is necessary to take into account that all people are different and may respond differently to the procedure. The results are not permanent; however, if the results are positive in the initial procedure, ovarian rejuvenation can be repeated. 

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